Wednesday, September 19, 2012


  I have to be honest with you all, when I started this blog, I was really afraid of giving too much of myself.  I am such a private person and I hold so much in which is so unhealthy and being in the counseling profession, I should know better, however, I am still human.  I have been writing some new material and the more I write songs, the more I release myself. It is so theraputic and I now see what song writers mean when they say write from the heart. I wrote for the first time how I HONESTLY felt as a child and the way I was treated and felt so insecure. I'll tell you a few tittles.....

Mission- It's about the crule motive to completly take over a weak mind, and having a true friend who wants so bad for you to just get out of the situation, but as much as this friend tries to help you and support you, you can't seem to move. That friend goes through the motions with you and it is an emotional rollercoaster for ALL PARTIES INVOLVED!

Rollercoaster- It's self explainatory.  It's more of the make up than the break up and the force behind the make up and the highs rather than the lows which make it so hard to leave a toxic relationship.

Inspired-I was inspired to write this song after listening to IF IT'S MAGIC- by Stevie Wonder because the meaning behind it can mean so many things. Love, Forgivness,God, The sounds of children playing, the sounds of the ocean, a cool breez, or even a flower bed.

Day 2- OMG I love this song. It remindes me how jocked out I was about a guy I knew nothing about.  I was compleatly infactuated even before I spoke with him on the phone and honey after day 2, I just knew this meant forever. LOL, how crazy was I ha. When this happens, you don't even go into the situation with a clear understanding of anything and anything he tells you or shows you, it will always be better than it really is.  THINK! JUST THINK!

LOVE- What is it? I know what is from God, and my family, but......... love? nawww, not for me..... you think... I guess

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