Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Mission- It's about the crule motive to completly take over a weak mind, and having a true friend who wants so bad for you to just get out of the situation, but as much as this friend tries to help you and support you, you can't seem to move. That friend goes through the motions with you and it is an emotional rollercoaster for ALL PARTIES INVOLVED!
Rollercoaster- It's self explainatory. It's more of the make up than the break up and the force behind the make up and the highs rather than the lows which make it so hard to leave a toxic relationship.
Inspired-I was inspired to write this song after listening to IF IT'S MAGIC- by Stevie Wonder because the meaning behind it can mean so many things. Love, Forgivness,God, The sounds of children playing, the sounds of the ocean, a cool breez, or even a flower bed.
Day 2- OMG I love this song. It remindes me how jocked out I was about a guy I knew nothing about. I was compleatly infactuated even before I spoke with him on the phone and honey after day 2, I just knew this meant forever. LOL, how crazy was I ha. When this happens, you don't even go into the situation with a clear understanding of anything and anything he tells you or shows you, it will always be better than it really is. THINK! JUST THINK!
LOVE- What is it? I know what is from God, and my family, but......... love? nawww, not for me..... you think... I guess
Song writing.
This is my new Passion. I can do this anytime, any place, my favorite time to write is exactly when I'm going through that emotion or experiencing inspiration.
Back in the swing
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
My first day back in class.
The moment I stepped back into the class room on the fifth floor of Xavier University, I felt calm. I felt so at piece. I saw my class mates and I hadnt seen them in a long time. I went to southeastern for the summer. I must say, I really miss them.
Second round of American Idol auditions.
I made it again, I have a video but for some reason I can't upload it on my blog so make sure you all go to my Facebook page.
First round of auditions.
I made it!!!!!! I didn't want to wake up at Three in the morning but I wanted IT. I was all sleepy and my nerves made my tummy hurts. But it was soon all over.
On season 12 I Arianne Lee Dabney tried out for American Idol. I waited in the long lines like everyone ear who wanted the same thong I did which was a chance. After hours in line, I finally auditioned for the guy who said YES! He told me to be careful with my runs but I had a great voice. I went home feeling good and I celebrated that night with my loved ones including D.J. Capt. Charles who said drinks on him. He was so proud of me, and wk was my friends and family. I explained to my dad that because I didn't know how this would play out and niether did American Idol, I would take a semester out from school. He wasn't happy but he understood my Passion and my faith. On yesterday 9-10-12 I again went to Baton Rouge to the next round of auditions. I walk into A room of at least 15 people on a panel waiting to hear me sing. I sing and after a quick silence, they say YES! ANOTHER celebration with my family. 10 min later. I walk the most intimidating room of 15 more executive producers of the show with cameras and lights everywhere. I sing the same song. Whitney Houston you give good love. My heart is ponding so hard and so loud I van hear it clearer than I hear my heals click. All of them in there British accents give ONLY compliments but say " I'm going to say NO!" I was in total shock. I wasn't angry. I said thank you and walked off into my third interview but my last with this show. The same day I got back into new orleans I went to Xavier University to get back into class for the semester to see if it was too late. Dr. Hale did not take it easy on me. Because of the hurricane, classes were postponed and I was able to get back in class. God has total control over everything. He made this all possible. He always does. This was a step of faith I took in his name and he knew it. American idol was not apart of my journey and he showed me. I sit in class as I type this message on any phone thanking all of my family memebers who still stood by me.