Okay, so I am not sure where to start... well pick back up. I have been consistently working on music for a while now and for the absolute first time ever, the process feels good. I have always had some type of issue working with producers in the past and I have felt extremely skeptical of every move but, I still take it step by step and trust the process. I was speaking with an amazing woman (Havilah Malone) on the phone who lifted me up and so many way, and during our talk, she mentioned "The Journey." I jumped remembering this blog because I thought I had deleted it during one of my many down moments on this journey of trying to overcome my fear of being great. I needed to hear what she had to say.
I read back at my old posts and could do nothing but laugh thinking how many times I stopped and for how long. That is truly my drug that I have been trying to kick for years. Consistency and believing in me enough to not keep giving up on myself has been a struggle of mine and my have I back slided. It is frustrating but I keep positive influences around me and I have grown such an amazing support system.